Thank you for your interest in supporting Sunset Lane Elementary!

We are happy to offer two options for donations. Please choose the one that works best for you:

Option 1

Make a one-time donation
(suggested donation $200, but any amount appreciated)

Option 2*

Make a monthly recurring donation
(suggested donation $20/month, but any amount is appreciated!)
Please remember to check the box to “make this donation recurring” on the next page!

*Payments are recurring with no end date. You can cancel at any time.
For more information, please contact us at


What is Team Seahawk?

Team Seahawk is made up of the Sunset Lane PTA, the Sunset Lane Education Foundation, and Sunset Lane faculty. This dedicated group of volunteers works together tirelessly through the school year to produce events and raise funds to augment our children’s experience here at Sunset Lane. Our school district provides us with wonderful teachers, great facilities and helpful resources, but as parents we all want the absolute best education we can give our kids.

How can I help improve my child's experience at Sunset Lane?

The Direct Giving campaign is the single most powerful way to help provide your child with cutting-edge resources and enriching experiences. Just $20 per month helps fund a wide range of benefits for Sunset Lane students, including:

  • $650 for each classroom

  • New technological resources

  • Facility and equipment improvements